

前些時候我已經在我的部落格裡留下一篇文章,主要談的是老化、自由基以及抗氧化劑之間的關係,最近將我手上一些有關於抗氧化劑的醫學研究報告重新再回顧整理了一下,恰好看見這一篇論文,想想可以利用很短的篇幅將它介紹一下,讓眾多愛美的肌膚保養人士,能夠更貼近一點Dr. Hsieh所努力倡導的所謂的『實證醫學下的保養概念』。

這是一篇2001年的文章,是由美國加州大學舊金山分校的Dr. Dreher等人所發表的,大家可以參考一下我後面的綜論。


Curr Probl Dermatol. 2001;29:157-64.

Protective effects of topical antioxidants in humans.



Dreher F, Maibach H.

Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, Calif., USA.


Human studies have convincingly demonstrated pronounced photoprotective effects of 'natural' and synthetic antioxidants when applied topically before UVR exposure. Particularly with respect to UVB-induced skin damage such as erythema formation, the photoprotective effects of antioxidants are significant when applied in distinct mixtures in appropriate vehicles. Topical application of such combinations may result in a sustained antioxidant capacity of the skin, possibly due to antioxidant synergisms. And, since UVA-induced skin alterations are believed to be largely determined by oxidative processes [26], topical administration of antioxidants might be particularly promising [27, 28]. In fact, topical application of antioxidants or antioxidant mixtures resulted in a remarkable increase in the minimal dose to induce immediate pigment darkening after UVA exposure [18, 23] and diminished the severity of UVA-induced photodermatoses [22] in humans. In conclusion, regular application of skin care products containing antioxidants may be of the utmost benefit in efficiently preparing our skin against exogenous oxidative stressors occurring during daily life. Furthermore, sunscreening agents may also benefit from combination with antioxidants resulting in increased safety and efficacy of such photoprotective products [11, 29].





炎炎夏日是人體皮膚面臨日光性危害最大的時節,除了良好的防曬措施之外,抗氧化產品的選擇將是決定肌膚安全與健康最大的關鍵,我將利用未來的數個月期間,陸續的提供一些醫學研究上有關抗氧化劑的資訊給大家,讓大家能夠在選擇產品前多一些認知,這樣才能將我的理念 --『美得安全、美的健康』真正落實。

Dr. Hsieh 2007/1/4 於高雄市


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